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Welcome to our story

A covid creative collaboration

In March 2020, New Zealand’s full lock down hit and our four bubble mates we were flung into our first experience of spending weeks locked up together. As public venues closed we decided to make small videos that profited from our unusual home and local spaces. Combining the skills of our acrobatic/photographic bubble bunch we decided to create short videos that would inspire others to get creative wherever their lockdown had landed them.

Each week we posted videos with a different prompt. Think everything from location, climbing on your bubble friends, playing with lighting, jazzy camera effects or just seeing how many people you can squish in a tiny space!
The videos also provided a behind the scenes explanation of how we achieved special effects and camera tricks while we were online to answer any technical questions sent our way.

Finally it was over to the public to Imitate and Innovate!

This boarder-less game of tag allowed us to connect with the our communities all over the world. We were stoked to see the creative responses that came back as people grabbed their mates, an image recorder of choice and posted in the comments section what they’d come up with!

We are truly proud of this little project and hope that it helped to connect and inspire during a time that’s been pretty tricky for all.

With love and light flares

The I.I Team

Garth , Ariel , Ellyce and Vladimir

Special thanks to WORLD and Creative New Zealand